What happens after a massage is just as important as having the massage itself.
After a treatment, the body starts to clear away the toxins that have been building up in our muscles. This acts like a detox process and takes time.
Aftercare aids this healing process and allows the body to get the maximum benefits from the massage treatment.
The body will naturally go into this detox process, but it can actually be slowed down (using up extra time and energy) by doing or not doing certain things. So to fully benefit from the treatment, you can help your body to do this more efficiently by following certain steps.
There many things we can do to help the body to carry out the healing process quickly and efficiently. Although the list looks long, don't panic, these are simple and easy things that can be done at any time or place.
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Please note, I do not take walk in appointments and due to my working hours, I am not always at my treatment room. Therefore, please do not turn up without previously booking an appointment.